Harry Myers in Numbers of Pythagoras Square

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People People born on September 5th

William Augustus Newell New Jersey politician, Governor of New Jersey, United States Congressman, governor, born 09/05/1817

Asko Jantunen PHYSICIAN, ACUPUNCTURIST, born 09/05/1945

Jim Lynch office holder, born 09/05/1946

Randal Keith Quarles office holder, born 09/05/1957

Amii Grove model, born 09/05/1985


People People belonging to drugs

Augustus Harris Actor, Actor, impresario, dramatist, actor, born 03/18/1852

Bodil Steen Actor, actor, born 01/14/1923

Angela Lansbury English actress, Actress, singer, actor, born 10/16/1925

Renzo Palmer Actor, drug, born 12/20/1929

Michel Robin Actor, Comedian, Actor, drug, born 10/13/1930


Harry Myers

- Actor, film director. Harry C. Myers (5 September 1882 – 25 December 1938), sometimes credited as Henry Myers, was an American film actor and director. He was born in New Haven, Connecticut, and died in Hollywood, California from pneumonia. He was married to the actress Rosemary Theby. Born 09/05/1882. Died 12/25/1938 in Hollywood, California, USA. (Wikipedia)

Harry Myers, Matrix of Birth

September 5th (Tuesday) 1882

09/05/1882 = 33 = 6 (6 )

33 - 10 = 23 = 5

1 (one)
22 (two) 55 (two) 88 (two)
333 (three) 6 (one) 9 (one)

Personal Psychological Portrait:

CelebrityCelebrity : Personal Charisma, Brightness, Attractiveness, Popularity. Passionate, Responsive Personality. Tend to Be Vulnerable to Feedback, Upset when Unappreciated - Very Strong

ReaperReaper : Gift of Reaping a Harvest. Might Inherit/Achieve High Social, Financial Status, and/or Reap the Harvest of Personal Karma in this Life - Strong

FighterFighter : Readiness to Fight for Everyday Goals. Energetic, Pushing, Problem-Solver. Tendency to Aggressive Discontent when Lacking Desired Results - Moderate

EquilibristEquilibrist : Mobility, Flexibility, Taste for Grace and Balance. Might be Over-Reactive and Explosive under Pressure - Moderate

DreamerDreamer : Desire for Joy and a Better Life. Enthusiasm, Consumerism. Tend to Count on the World in Realization of their Plans and Dreams. High Expectations, Excessive Demands, Idealistic Wishes. Charming when Satisfied. Tend to be Depressed and/or Blame Others when Fail. Might be Infantile, Tricky and Vindictive - Moderate

FreshmanFreshman : Opening up New Energies and Areas of Life. Motivated Starters Striving for Change and Improvement. Might be Over-Active, Spontaneous and Preachy. Tendency to Ignore Warning Signs and Signals. Suffer when Feel As If They Failed or Look Amateurish - Moderate

Energy of the Life Path

6 (Six)

Status, Balance

Social Ethics, Justice, Reputation. Status/Commitments. Publicity/Privacy.


Energy Portrait:

Life Path Number = 6

Types of Energy:

Personal Energy - Strong - 6 points

Mass/Universal Energy - Moderate - 3 points

Social Energy - Moderate - 3 points

Aspects of Life:

Materialistic/Physical Life - Strong - 6 points

Artistic/Public Life - Strong - 5 points

Mental Life - Weak - 1 point

Stages of Life:

Youth - Strong - 6 points

Maturity - Moderate - 3 points

Middle Age - Moderate - 3 points

Types of Destiny:

Free Will, Opportunities - Strong - 5 points

Predestination, Universe Mission - Moderate - 4 points

Mental Indexes:

Smart Memory/Wit - Strong - 5 points

Fantasy/Spirituality - Moderate - 4 points

Intellectual Creativity/Invention - Weak - 2 points

Personal Characteristics:

Mogul : Risk, Investment, Politics - Strong - 6 points

Down-to-Earth : Vitality, Practicality, Skillfulness - Strong - 6 points

Persona : Personal Ambitions, Self-Expression - Strong - 6 points

Venturer : Free Enterprise, Commercial Spirit - Strong - 5 points

Artist : Artistic, Dramatic, Entertaining Talents - Strong - 5 points

Inner Self : Inner Maxims, Individual Beliefs - Moderate - 4 points

Touch of the Universe : Gifts, Legacy, Karma - Moderate - 3 points

Authority : Social Skills, Career Potential - Moderate - 3 points

Guru : Intellectual Independence, Leadership - Weak - 1 point