Samuel Sax in Numbers of Pythagoras Square

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People People born on September 5th

Archduke Charles of Austria ROYALTY, MILITARY, FIELD MARSHAL, born 09/05/1771

Robert Annis soccer player, born 09/05/1928

Werner Herzog German film director, screenwriter, actor, and opera director., Actor, actor, born 09/05/1942

Mel Collins Musician, musical artist, born 09/05/1947

Kim Yu-na South Korean figure skater, figure skater, born 09/05/1990


People People belonging to actors

Mike Walsh actor, born 03/05/1938

Joan Maccall actor, born 01/31/1957

Lise Cutter actor, born 07/31/1959

Johann Urb Actor/Producer, actor, born 01/24/1977

Ella Guevera actor, born 08/19/1998


Samuel Sax

- Film producer. Samuel Sax (5 September 1880 – 2 January 1962) was an American film producer. He produced 80 films between 1925 and 1946. He was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and died in Hollywood, California. Born 09/05/1880 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Died 01/02/1962 in Hollywood, California, USA. (Wikipedia)

Samuel Sax, Matrix of Birth

September 5th (Sunday) 1880

09/05/1880 = 31 = 4 (4 )

31 - 10 = 21 = 3

111 (three) 4 (one)
2 (one) 5 (one) 88 (two)
33 (two) 9 (one)

Personal Psychological Portrait:

MaximalistMaximalist : Striving for Big Goals. Workaholic, Perfectionist. Tendency to Impatience, Intolerance, Destructive Criticism of Others. Easily Disappointed. Apathetic and Lazy when Cannot See Worthy Goals. Achieving Goals Can Bring Unexpected Outcomes - Very Strong

FighterFighter : Readiness to Fight for Everyday Goals. Energetic, Pushing, Problem-Solver. Tendency to Aggressive Discontent when Lacking Desired Results - Very Strong

ReaperReaper : Gift of Reaping a Harvest. Might Inherit/Achieve High Social, Financial Status, and/or Reap the Harvest of Personal Karma in this Life - Moderate

EccentricEccentric : Eccentricity, Originality in Methods and Actions. Paradoxical Mind and Temper. Tend to Swim Against the Stream. Might Be Innovative, Unpredictable and Unruly - Moderate

Energy of the Life Path

4 (Four)

Office Space

Career. Hierarchy. Authority. Design. Construction. Form. Professional Skills.


Energy Portrait:

Life Path Number = 4

Types of Energy:

Personal Energy - Strong - 6 points

Mass/Universal Energy - Moderate - 3 points

Social Energy - Weak - 2 points

Aspects of Life:

Mental Life - Moderate - 4 points

Materialistic/Physical Life - Moderate - 4 points

Artistic/Public Life - Moderate - 3 points

Stages of Life:

Youth - Strong - 6 points

Maturity - Moderate - 3 points

Middle Age - Weak - 2 points

Types of Destiny:

Predestination, Universe Mission - Strong - 5 points

Free Will, Opportunities - Moderate - 3 points

Mental Indexes:

Smart Memory/Wit - Strong - 6 points

Intellectual Creativity/Invention - Moderate - 4 points

Fantasy/Spirituality - Moderate - 3 points

Personal Characteristics:

Mogul : Risk, Investment, Politics - Strong - 7 points

Persona : Personal Ambitions, Self-Expression - Strong - 6 points

Inner Self : Inner Maxims, Individual Beliefs - Strong - 5 points

Down-to-Earth : Vitality, Practicality, Skillfulness - Moderate - 4 points

Guru : Intellectual Independence, Leadership - Moderate - 4 points

Touch of the Universe : Gifts, Legacy, Karma - Moderate - 3 points

Artist : Artistic, Dramatic, Entertaining Talents - Moderate - 3 points

Venturer : Free Enterprise, Commercial Spirit - Moderate - 3 points

Authority : Social Skills, Career Potential - Weak - 2 points